
Are CBD and Melatonin the Ultimate Sleep Aid?

Do you suffer from a lack of sleep? Maybe you simply cannot fall asleep or need a quality "power nap" during the workday? CBD and melatonin are your natural go-to remedies for overcoming poor sleep.

The Role of Melatonin in Sleep

Melatonin is an important hormone in our bodies, and it plays a crucial role in sleep. Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a pea-sized organ located in the center of your brain. The amount of melatonin that your body produces varies throughout the day according to the time of day and how much light you’re exposed to.

During the day, your brain produces more dopamine than melatonin. As night approaches and darkness increases, your body makes more melatonin. When you’re exposed to light during the day, this suppresses melatonin production, which is why you wake up feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep when there is no light coming into your bedroom at night.

How CBD and Melatonin Interact on our Sleep

CBD has been proven to promote relaxation without sedation or feeling “drugged” like some other forms of cannabinoid therapy can cause. This makes it an excellent choice for those who are looking for an alternative to pharmaceuticals or sleeping pills to help them get quality rest at night.

Here are some ways that CBD and melatonin interact to help with your sleep:

1. Both CBD and melatonin may help reduce anxiety and stress levels, which are two of the biggest culprits when it comes to poor sleep quality.

2. CBD is known for its anti-inflammatory properties, which help with inflammation in the body caused by stress or anxiety-inducing situations.

3. The endocannabinoid system (ECS) has receptors throughout our bodies, including our brain, gut, skin, and reproductive organs — all areas that play a role in helping us get a good night’s rest! When CBD interacts with these receptors it helps regulate them so they work optimally during

Is it Safe to Take Together?

CBD is safe to take with melatonin. There are no documented side effects of mixing the two, so it’s generally safe to combine them.

When Is The Best Time to Take Your CBD With Melatonin

They are usually taken together to help with sleep, but they can also be taken separately. The most popular time to take CBD is before bed. It helps people relax, unwind, and fall asleep faster. For this reason, it’s often recommended as a sleep aid.

When taken together, these two substances can provide additional benefits that aren’t available when taking them separately. Here’s how:

CBD + Melatonin = Better Sleep


In the end, CBD and melatonin work in slightly different ways to help you get a good night’s sleep. But they both have promising research behind them. Adding either one to your bedtime routine could be a positive step towards getting better sleep.